La maggior parte dei programmi non riesce a produrre risultati coerenti. È sorprendente perché così tante persone si allontanino da ciò che è collaudato e comprovato quando si tratta di programmi di allenamento.
"La regola è: le basi sono le basi, e non puoi battere le basi." -Charles Poliquin
Despite what your goals may be, every individual can benefit from physical resistance training. Not only that, but the health benefits extend far beyond your short term fitness goals. Regardless of why you train, let’s take a look at some of the reasons you should incorporate strength training into your fitness regimen.
Whatever your goals, muscle will help you get there. Some companies in the fitness industry has made a fortune around buzzwords like “tone”, “lift”, and “sculpt.” The problem is there’s no way to measure those loose terms. If you want to change your body composition there is only the ability to gain or lose muscle while simultaneously gaining or losing fat. If you are looking for the most efficient way to do make a change then strength training is your best option.
L'allenamento di forza, o allenamento di resistenza fisica, può essere definito come un tipo di esercizio fisico specializzato nell'uso della resistenza per indurre la contrazione muscolare che sviluppa la forza, la resistenza anaerobica e le dimensioni dei muscoli scheletrici. Quando si aumenta la massa muscolare, si aumenta il metabolismo basale del corpo (la quantità di calorie che si bruciano ogni giorno prima di considerare l'attività fisica). È un po' come mettere un motore più grande in un'auto. L'auto è in grado di muoversi più velocemente o di trainare un carico più pesante (più muscoli), ma utilizza anche più carburante (grassi) sia che stia viaggiando in autostrada o che stia ferma nel vialetto. L'allenamento di forza ci aiuta a "tonificarci" attraverso questo scambio di guadagno muscolare/perdita di grasso.
Training for strength provides a clear path for success. You can set training goals that are specific, measurable, and produce desired outcomes. A good coach will help you design a plan towards these goals with checkpoints along the way. Your strength training program is a road map to success with clear directions. Sets, reps, and weights lifted safely through the full range of motion are the signals that you’re on track. Many people find that a more detailed plan helps them stay motivated as they experience progress.
As we get older strength training is one of the most important things we can do for our health. Physical independence is a key factor in a great quality of life.
A comprehensive study of strength training has been proven to:
Functional strength training will be an asset in daily life too. From picking up grandchildren or bags of groceries to climbing stairs with confidence.
Did you know that lifting weights can strengthen your brain just as much as it does your body?
Dr. Yorgi Mavros from the University of Sydney has found that high‐intensity physical resistance training (PRT) results in significant improvements in cognitive function, muscle strength, and aerobic capacity in older adults with mild cognitive impairment. Adults who followed a resistance training routine in addition to cognitive training performed significantly better than control groups on a series of mental tests. A couple key factors to note:
The participants exercised 2x/ week working to at least 80% of their peak strength.
The benefits lasted one year after the exercise prescription had ended.
What does that mean? According to Yorgi, “The stronger people became, the greater the benefit for their brain.” Let that sink in for a minute. You actually grow your brain by training to become stronger! It makes me wonder if Einstein developed his Theory of Relativity in between heavy sets of back squats…
During pregnancy, the question always arises of what does fitness look like for this stage of life? With so much on the line, it’s important to consult with a doctor before beginning any fitness routine. Luckily, there is a tremendous amount to be gained by incorporating a strength training routine under normal circumstances. Resistance training can help alleviate symptoms and improve health outcomes for the mother and child. According to the Mayo Clinic, women who follow a consistent strength training routine during pregnancy can experience:
Not only that but women who train during pregnancy report enhanced body image and better psychological well-being!
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